I'm a sucker for handmade items. There's just something about handmade items which makes me go weak in the knees.It's all the effort,the hardwork,the passion and of course the LOVE which makes Handmade items Unique.
Clair Organics is founded by Louise Chu, a mother,an artisan who started out making skincare products using breast milk for her baby girl named 'Norra Claire", hence the name Claire Organics is born.
I bought my 1st Clair Organics products at Markets@JayaOne.
1) Calendula Soap (Anti Eczema,Baby Care) : This soap caught my eyes.I knew there were others but what drew me to purchase the soap were the key pointers "Anti Eczema and Baby Care. My lil Boo has dry skin on his scalp creating this massive snowstorm each time I dry his hair.Seriously who likes snowflakes falling from their head.
Texture : Hard just like any other regular soap. It lathers well.Texture changes when you use the soap with water. It's much more softer with all the essential oils.Very moisturising.You can definetly tell the difference.Commercial Soaps can be harsh and drying.
Verdict : After using this soap I notice the dry skin on my Lil Boo's head begin to slowly disappear.Constant baths in the evenings (He loves his bathtime) the flakes soon vanished.Now he's flake free and his hair smells really good. This is his everyday bath soap .It's not only for his head,but also for his body (specially areas prone to rash like under the neck and works pretty well on the bum).Make sure to place soap on a dry surface for longer lasting usage.
Will I repurchase? : Definitely. This soap is Amazing.
Price: RM 15.00
2) BUG OFF : (Keeping bugs from little ones. Reduce itchiness and soothe insect bites)
I wanted to buy a baby friendly mozzy repelent since Grandma takes Lil Boo for her evening walks. I know Mosi-Guard is popular,but I'm afraid Lil Boo might get an allergy. I wanted a baby/kid friendly repellent,hence I bought BUG OFF
Scent : The whiff of Sesame Oil and Lemongrass,two strong scents which caught my sense of smell.I love the smell of Lemongrass and the Sesame Oil makes me want to lick the balm.
Yep! according to mummy,sesame oil repels mozzies.
Texture : I was hoping for a softer texture but it's pretty hard. I had to run my fingers a couple of times to apply.
Verdict : I've seen mozzies trying to get close to Lil Boo,but they seem to fly off once they get close.So far so good,but If the mozzies want to get aggressive, I'm sure they'll bite.Anyways, you can even use the balm as a soother for insects bites...Urgh insects,nasty nasty!!!
Will I repurchase? : If the texture was easier to apply why not:}
Price : RM 15.00
Tealight Candle : Free
Winning the Lucky Draw (For purchasing the goodies above)
OMG,you don't know how thrilled I was.
The Prize
A Lip Balm
Herbal Balm (Of your choice)
I Picked........
I wanted to buy The Healing Balm for my Lil Boo's nappy rash, but they were all sold out at Markets. Since it says Healing Balm,automatically thought it will do the trick. Thank goodness I consulted Louise before I picked the balm.She recommended me Happy Bum for babies as The Healing Balm may not be suitable for babies.Thanks So Much:}.
Scent : Its got a lovely Tea Tree scent.
Texture : Very easy to apply. The texture is soft so it's easy to swatch and apply.
Verdict : It works,It works. I use this only during the day (Poops and pee's the most)
Problem with certain Nappy rash creams is the thick white mixture which kinda reminds me of Gypsum plaster. This cream works wonders.Lil Boo's bum is not red and blistery anymore.
I've got Pureen Nappy Cream to finish,but to be used only at nights.
Will I repurchase? : I've found awesomeness in a lil container:}.
Price : RM 15.00
2) SHEA BUTTER (Lip Balm with Organic Raw Honey)
Scent : Whiff of Menthol?
Texture : Soft.Easy to apply.
Verdict : The sides of my lips crack at times.I could be suffering from Angular Cheiltis
( inflammation of one or both the corners of the mouth) if not plain old chapped lips. So far nothing works. I've tried Nivea,Banana Boat,Neutrogena,even I can't remember.They don't do justice. Few hours or so it dries up and I have to reapply. I don't mind paying more for a good chap stick,but if it does no justice what am I suppose to do with it...
Anyways, my mother In Law travels to and fro to UK. The only thing I ask her to buy for me is chap sticks or balms for my lips.Currently, I'm using Vaseline Lip Therapy with Rose and Almond Oil.So far, the ones bought overseas works better then the ones sold at our drugstore....Then along came....
Clair's Organics Shea Butter Lip Balm (Lucky Draw).I thought I'll give it a try.I applied before going to bed and the next morning I can still feel the waxy-ness on my lips (Some dry up in Air Conditioned rooms).A Lip Balm which can leave my lips feeling moisturize gets a thumbs up.
Will I Repurchase? : Yes
RM : 12.00
I can't wait for her Christmas Soaps (Lovely Presents). 15% of their sales will be donated to help less fortunate kids. Now don't you want to be charitable during Xmas Time?.Sharing is Caring People...
Do check her websites out.Plenty of Handmade Goodies to Purchase..Ole Ye Natural...
Clair Organics Blogspot : http://claireorganics.blogspot.com/
Taken from Clair Organics Blogspot.
Till Then Toodles
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