Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Itchy & Scratchy Me..

I feel like a mangy dog whose skin is covered with sores and blisters. I’m having a really bad case of skin allergy in form of hives and I’ve been scratching like crazy. Since last month and lately its gotten worst.

Hives are raised,often itchy red welt on the surface of the skin.They are usually an allergic reaction to food or medicine.The Hives may get bigger,spread and join together to form larger areas of flat, raised skin)

Many substance can trigger Hives, including:

Animal Dander (especially cats) = I'm Pet-less (Although I do want a pet
Insect Bites : Nope
Medications : Nope ( but I do take my supplements)
Pollen :?? Noooooooooo
Shellfish,Fish,Eggs,Nuts Milk,Gluten and other foods : Chances are there,but I know I’m not allergic to nuts, seafood, bread, eggs, milk e.t.c but one thing for sure I LOVE GARLIC.
I cook at home and I LOVE my food with loads of garlic. Garlic in veg, garlic this garlic that, Garlic Pills.Basically I just reek of Garlic. Possible, but there are days I don’t touch them and still I get them. Another possibility, WATER. 

It’s called Urticaria (a rare form of hive caused by exposure of the skin to water, strong chlorinated water). Sometimes my fingers get so itchy,I feel like dipping them in hot water (Tawau water is HIGHLY TOXIC)and so happens, I’m not the only one who got the itch.

Whatever it is, I do not plan to see a Skin Specialist. Leeches!#@!#. 
I paid a visit to a Skin Specialist once (So called renowned) and all he said was “Well you’re allergic to something, could be food, this n that blah blah”. I was expecting for some test to be done, but NO, he slapped me with a RM 150 bill for consultation (Even a retard can explain) a bag of anti histamines and a small tub of steroid cream. Bah!!!

Now, whenever I want Medication, especially for cases like this or that, I’ll just ask B to buy them at the pharmacy or write me a prescription (but then I don’t get a discount).
I feel much better now with Cetirizin Stada in my bloodstream.I find creams don’t work as well as tablets, but then in my case I’ve severe hives so it varies on the allergy.

If I were to be a superhero I would call myself Hive Girl. My powers would be spreading Itch ....hmmmm

 Inflamed and Itchy

Drugs, Glorious Drugs

1 comment:

  1. sometimes when we age, our immune system goes down the drain and become allergy to shit that we've never been allergic to before. get well soon!
